Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Rhona Mühlebach

Loch Long

Sat 4 May — Sun 19 May 2019

Rhona Mühlebach

In this solo exhibition Rhona Mühlebach turns her attention to the role played by ecology in narrative construction. Here, the natural environment functions as a living archive and mnemonic device. The history, the water and the inhabitants of Loch Long (a sea loch on the West Coast of Scotland) are the parameters of the multi-screen video installation.

Loch Long is a play. The characters are Ruth - the swimmer, Martha - the scientist, Augusto Alfredo Roggen - the spy, Mhairi - the victim and the chattering Chorus. They live in a world where body and voice are separate entities that are not tied together. Identity crisis abound.

Funded by: Pro Helvetia, Kulturstiftung des Kantons Thurgau.




Tue-Sun, 12noon-6pm
Preview: Fri 3 May, 6pm-9pm // Free