Third Eye Bar opening hours: Tue-Thu: noon-11pm, Fri-Sat: noon - midnight

SQIFF18 Discussion: Deaf & Disabled Aesthetics in Film

Wed 5 December 2018

Deaf Disabled 50uq

Availability of access measures such as captions and audio description is often seen as an ‘extra’, sitting separately from films as works of art. However, many D/deaf and disabled and ally filmmakers and cultural workers integrate accessibility into their style of filmmaking, or consider artistic ideas in their creation of access measures. This session will feature presentations from people working in Deaf and disabled film aesthetics, including actor, filmmaker, and Artistic Director of Turtléar, EJ Raymond, Glasgow-based creative access organisation, Collective Text, and artist, curator, and consultant, Caglar Kimyoncu. Followed by an open discussion hosted by SQIFF’s Access & Engagement Coordinator and artist, Alison Smith.

The event will be BSL interpreted with any film clips captioned. Hearing loop available. Large print versions of handouts available.

Comfy seating (bean bags) available. If you would like to reserve this, please contact

We have a limited travel fund to assist people to come to the Festival for those who could not otherwise afford to attend. If you would like to apply for this, please contact

Event Collection

Part of SQIFF18 #




3pm, Free/£1/£3/£5/£7 + £1 booking fee, Creative Lab
All ages
Book Online / 0141 352 4900