Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Susannah Stark

Unnatural Wealth

Sat 21 April — Sun 22 April 2018

Susannah Stark

Unnatural Wealth combines moving image and disembodied voices, creating an absurd allegory of the times through a look at language circulating in the property market. This work evolved from a period of research viewing luxury apartments with estate agents in London, and later, in Glasgow. Footage of flat viewings is used to create the background for collage works, where disembodied teeth become inflicted by spam and advertising, which creates parasitic extrusions on their surface. References to the mouth, in particular, representations of teeth as a way to deconstruct the voice, recur throughout.




Sat 11am - 6pm / Sun 12noon - 6pm, Free (unticketed), Cinema
All ages
0141 352 4900