Peter Watkins
The Journey - Part 8, 9, 10
Tue 7 June 2022
English subtitling

Image credit: Peter Watkins, courtesy of the filmmaker and Doriane Films
Shot at the height of the 1980s nuclear arms race, The Journey is a documentary which tries to imagine what global peace could look like.
What if communication, learning and empathy were at the heart of our
world, instead of fear, distrust and enemy images. Through discussions
with families and communities, the film confronts the
military-industrial complex, mass audio-visual media and governments
which all impose unaccountable decisions on citizens and populations.
Deeply personal, contemplative, meticulously researched and passionate, The Journey is a collective expression of our struggle for peace. It inspires action and offers many solutions to the obstacles we face.
“This film is about systems: the systems under which we all live, and the mechanisms they use to deprive us of information and participation.”
Peter Watkins
Season Ticket
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Event Collection
Part of Peter Watkins: The Journey