Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed


Whispers of The River

Wed 28 September 2022

Tickets no longer available
Relaxed event

Relaxed event

A person in red and black waterproofs lays in a sea of bushes, trees, & moss. As though swallowed by the shrubbery.

Bog Intimacies research methods Joanne Matthews

Join Joanne Matthews for a listening session and walk across Glasgow, as part of the Confluence programme.

Joanne Matthews will share their listening practices and introduce their work in creating speculative soundscapes and narratives. We will wander outdoors to listen to the Clyde and experiment with making speculative sounds and artworks.

Bring weather appropriate clothes, we will go out in all weathers (unless its heavy rain).

Joanne Matthews

Joanne Matthews is an artist from Brighton, based in Edinburgh, UK. Their projects are often context-dependent, responding to locations and social-political contexts. Their work is shaped through ongoing research into deep ecology. Currently they are working on SALT a residency, commission and publication with Art Walk Porty 2022 and they recently received a VACMA 2021 Award to start research on a collection of sonic sculptures about bog ecologies. They show their work across the UK with their sound art being played across artist-led radio stations including Radiophrenia, NTS, As if radio and EHFM where they have a regular show. Currently they are working as freelance producer on projects with Dance Base (Edinburgh), Yaraqa (Lebanon) and Aberdeen Performing Arts.


Weaving together different territories, stories, and communities, Confluence seeks to reflect on the transformative and generative moments of breakdown; resistances in the water; pirate practices as care; and harbours as sites of both extractive economies and redistributive ecologies. Our entry points are literatures of the sea; inland and fluvial mobility routes carving trades, conflicts and exchanges throughout the Mediterranean and the Sahara; intimate histories and current legacies of colonial administrations of the waters intertwining different territories across seas; as well as coastal and fluvial ecologies in Scotland, Morocco, and beyond. While taking into account contemporary material infrastructures of (im)mobility, Confluence also explores how thinking relationally through water affects our understanding of identities as shifting, various and in-flux.

As part of the first iteration of our ‘school of water’, we invite you to join us for a series of events navigating rivers, dams and other in-land waterscapes as sites where both the politics and poetics of mobility, memory, sound, and landscape trans/formation come to play.

Hosted by CCA Glasgow in collaboration with LE 18 (Marrakech), Confluence is curated by Alaya Ang (CCA Glasgow), Francesca Masoero & Shayma Nader (QANAT) and is supported by the International Collaboration Grant from the British Council.


This event involves walking down and up hills to the Clyde river and back within a specific time frame, which may not be accessible for some people.

Event Collection

Part of Confluence #




Event Type

Talks & Events


Participants should meet in the CCA Foyer


10:30am — 1:00pm




Free but ticketed


Relaxed event

Tickets no longer available