Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

The Reading Library

The Reading Library

The Reading Library is an eclectic collection of books for your enjoyment in the CCA foyer space. The books are not organised or indexed by subject or author. Instead, they are presented as a random, organic library. The collection is designed for the pleasure of reading.

The Reading Library is three shelves, extending the length of the foyer wall. If you would like some assistance with accessing any of the books, please ask the Duty Manager or a member of CCA staff.

There are many obvious gaps and we would welcome constructive donations to help us build a better collection. The library is not a funded project and it depends on your donations to continue to grow.

We would hope to retain the books in the foyer space though if you would like to borrow a book we would only ask you to return it later so others can also use it.

The library will exist on trust.